
Mayıs, 2021 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor


  Trello is a project management tool where we can keep track of and organize our work and daily schedules. It allows you to see and organize the work we do, the work we will do, our goals on the same screen. You can also create a collaborative work area with many people by defining a task.  Tips to make your job easier on Trello: Plan your day Create reading lists Plan your first step into the business world Manage your budget Organize birthday events Organize your hobbies USING TRELLO IN EDUCATION You can easily use and manage the Trello application in all areas. Teachers who want to use it on education can use the system with their students and distribute the tasks and follow this very easily. If you are collaborating with dozens of students, trello will be a map management tool for you. This is my trello board for you : https://trello.com/b/PdoHOIku/web-20-tools If you want to use, you can watch the video.


Nearpod is a web 2.0 tool where you can brainstorm, quiz competition and research activities for your students during the course. In addition, if you want to make your Power point presentations and videos more interactive and use them in the course, Nearpod is the tool for you. Since students do not need to be members in this application, teachers prepare their activities as members. This enables them to do the activities they have prepared by sending them to their students. What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages? ADVANTAGES : It is free. It has many activities. It makes videos and slides active. DISADVANTAGES: There is a limit of use. It is a little complicated to use. If you want to use Nearpod, you can watch this video.


Flipgrid is a response system that allows students to explain or demonstrate their learning using video.Using the Flipgrid environment, teachers can easily gather information about their students' understanding and development. Teachers also have the opportunity to listen to all of their students - even those who are shy or fear to speak in class because of insecurity. Flipgrid students create and empower social learning communities while discussing their ideas and experiences with their peers. Flipgrid reinforces student voice and supports the development of global empathy as students immerse themselves in each other's learning processes and perspectives.  How Flipgrid Can Improve Your Base Classes? One of the main goals of primary education is to help students communicate effectively. Educators often report that they want to help students improve their voices to communicate verbally. Flipgrid is designed to do just that. For example, you can ask your students to tell about a...


  It is a web 2.0 tool used to create a virtual classroom. It is an alternative platform that you can use to increase interaction with teachers, students and parents. You can use it to increase learning outside of the classroom. Thanks to Edmodo, it will be very easy to communicate with your students outside the classroom.  If you are a student, you can join the class in edmodo, thanks to the code. But if you are a teacher, you can create a class and share the code with your students after enrolling.   What can be done in Edmodo? 1.Activities can be held in small groups by creating different structures in the classroom. 2.Announcements can be made to students. 3. It can be used not only for educational purposes but also as a social network. 4. Parents can follow their students if they want. 5. Quizzes can be given to students. According to the answers, the scores of the students can be seen. HOW TO USE EDMODO? :


  Edpuzzle is the web 2.0 tool you are looking for if you want to vocalize video content, easily trim videos or ask questions within the video. You can add multiple choice, open-ended questions to videos. With this tool, you can create virtual classrooms, add your students and share your content. When preparing video content, you can edit by adding from many video platforms or videos you have created. The list of video platforms used by this tool is; Edpuzzle video archive Youtube Khan Academy National Geographic Ted Talks Do not forget to look at the edpuzzle video I have edited for you and do the questions. https://edpuzzle.com/media/60a16aec6514a041624cee77 HOW TO USE EDPUZZLE:


Jamboard enables you to reveal the creative potential of your team with its real-time features. It allows you to share your ideas in lessons. Jamboard offers access from anywhere in the world. Here is my jamboard link i made for you . You can add information here. https://jamboard.google.com/d/1BlDoi8n6xI3NGEuWs29E_0nt55QyBaYO4R7LvNGvdAU/edit?usp=sharing You can watch the video if you want to learn how to use:


Padlet is a tool for collaborative activities by creating digital boards. Padlet is very easy to use and is an  effective tool in lessons. You can customize it as you wish, and post your plan and program on the board. You can make your notes, videos, images and many virtual materials you want to keep in a padlet. You can also work in a common area tih your students or people you teach private lessons. You can share the board you have created and create a working environment with the people you want. For what purpose can you use the padlet? To provide a common working area with your students. To keep track of your students who you teach private lessons. Discussion and brainstorming. Here is a padlet i made for you.Don't forget to click on the country you love on the map and write something about the country you love.  https://padlet.com/sevvalbeyaz/heogmavas2m02cv3 If you want to learn how to use padlet, watch this video:


  Pear Deck can be used in many ways, simultaneously and asynchronously. Teachers create presentations using their Google Drive account. Pre-designed slides and questions support designing a lesson. This is a slide I made for you. p.s: I didn't add questions but you can make it more fun by adding questions. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vTn4XtaueS8HJMz2mPmrBbQtzWYcs2zWeSJWxsE1XAEaNNZTGwvttR_ObYHMqteX7-Fi86eaBAcljzf/pub?start=true&loop=true&delayms=60000 Don't forget to watch this video to use PearDeck.


                                                           VOKİ Voki is used to create virtual characters. Thanks to the application, you can create the characters you want, instead of making yourself talk while preparing lesson presentations, you can voice emojis, characters or existing famous people with your own voice. In this way, preparing presentations becomes more fun. I prepared a voki for you. Don't forget to click on the link.  https://tinyurl.com/yjf997a7 I'm also posting a video called how to use voki