Trello is a project management tool where we can keep track of and organize our work and daily schedules. It allows you to see and organize the work we do, the work we will do, our goals on the same screen. You can also create a collaborative work area with many people by defining a task. 

Tips to make your job easier on Trello:

  • Plan your day
  • Create reading lists
  • Plan your first step into the business world
  • Manage your budget
  • Organize birthday events
  • Organize your hobbies


You can easily use and manage the Trello application in all areas. Teachers who want to use it on education can use the system with their students and distribute the tasks and follow this very easily. If you are collaborating with dozens of students, trello will be a map management tool for you.

This is my trello board for you :

If you want to use, you can watch the video.
